Feb 21, 2025


Wintergreen Women Writers Collective

Branding & Website Design Consultant




Mehron Price

Job Description

Request for Proposal: Branding & Website Consultant Contract: $4,500-$5,000, 9-10 weeks Introduction: The Wintergreen Women Writers Collective is a 501(c)3 organization that gathers Black women writers in a literary community that seeks to publish, document, preserve, and celebrate their creative work. More than seventy women from all over the country have taken part in one or more of the Wintergreen retreats or programs over the last 38 years, coming to a place where they can do the sacred work of literary and cultural production. Wintergreen Women Writers Collective is currently seeking a Branding & Website Design Consultant for a Squarespace project that will include brand development sessions and a subsequent website redesign. The process will result in a modernized digital platform that will help distinguish Wintergreen and its work. Deliverables: a. Updated Brand System: Expand on the current brand (which is currently limited to a logo) to further develop the brand system (color palette, typography, brand applications, etc.). b. Squarespace Website Refresh: Design a responsive website that is easy to navigate and update, incorporating an updated brand system. Scope of Work: Updated Brand System: ● Review existing documentation of insights gleaned during Wintergreen’s planning process to inform design directions. ● Listen and learn via research (competitive analysis and 1:1 sessions with Wintergreen program staff). ● Articulate a core idea that communicates the breadth, diversity, and power of the organization’s work. ● Translate this core idea into a brand system (color palette, typography, imagery, and brand applications). Squarespace Website Refresh: ● Conduct a content audit to establish a new sitemap and information architecture that supports the goals of the organization with an optimal user journey (establishing a clear path for audiences to access information relevant to them). ● Design responsive wireframes and templates for all web pages (including but not limited to the homepage, about, newsletter, blog, donation page, contact form). ● Incorporate page templates into the content management system, manageable by both technical and non-technical staff. ● Provide Squarespace recommendations, taking into account the organization’s priorities and its existing efforts to refi ne its technology and data strategy. ● Accessibility: Following best practices, voluntary standards and guidelines. ● Oversee technical aspects of website launch, staff training, and subsequent user testing. This is a temporary contractor role that will need to work closely and in equal partnership with Wintergreen program staff in order to achieve the above deliverables, and therefore needs to communicate clearly and thoroughly in synchronous and asynchronous contexts. We expect the Consultant to demonstrate empathy and intentionality in their interpersonal communications. Timeline and Desired Schedule: Wintergreen wishes to begin the project no later than March 10, 2025, with completion no later than May 31, 2025. Proposal Requirements: All proposals must adhere to the following outline and provide the information requested for each section. Must-haves: Organization/Consultant Background and Experience ● Provide information (an introduction and work samples) around your consultancy and its suitability for this project. Please explain your consultancy’s experience developing design and content strategy that refl ects the articulated needs, current capacity, and growth goals of organizations. ● Provide the lead consultant’s name, briefl y describe their background and experience ● Why this project is of interest to the consultant and any areas of alignment that tie to prior work experience. Good-to-haves: Work Plan and Deliverables ● Submit a brief work plan (1pg. max) that maps to the Timeline and Desired Schedule above that provides more detail on how you will accomplish the goals and deliverables described. Please separate your work plan into phases with specified timeframes. Budget and Costs: The anticipated budget for this request is $4,500-$5,000. In your proposal, please specify your rates, your billing process, and if any up front payments or retainers are required. Submission Schedule and Process: RFI Distributed: Friday, February 21, 2025 RFI Deadline: Monday, March 3, 2025 Send an email with your proposal, with “Branding & Website Consultant 2025” in the subject, no later than Monday, March 3, 2025 to mehron@wintergreenwomenwriterscollective.com. Please submit any questions regarding this proposal via email to Mehron Price (mehron@wintergreenwomenwriterscollective.com) by Friday, February 28, 2025. A final decision is expected by March 10, 2025. About Wintergreen Women Writers Collective: The Wintergreen Women Writers Collective is a 501(c)3 organization that gathers Black women writers in a literary community that seeks to publish, document, preserve, and celebrate their creative work. More than seventy women from all over the country have taken part in one or more of the Wintergreen retreats or programs over the last 38 years, coming to a place where they can do the sacred work of literary and cultural production. Wintergreen Women are prefiguring a world where the history and legacy of Black women writers are honored and preserved -- a world where Black women writers have access to intergenerational spaces where, in community and mutuality, they can nurture one another and locate resources to support their creative practice. Members of the Collective share their knowledge and creativity as a way of encouraging and engaging one another and their extended literary and scholarly communities. For more information about our organization, please visit https://wintergreenwomenwriterscollective.com/.

# of People on Team
1 Person
# of P.O.C. on Team
1 Person
Visa Sponsorship

Don't forget to mention Where are the Black Designers? when applying!                      

Don't forget to mention Where are the Black Designers? when applying!                      

Don't forget to mention Where are the Black Designers? when applying!                      

Don't forget to mention Where are the Black Designers? when applying!